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Queen Sugar Season 2 on OWN

Now, I want to start off by saying how disappointed I felt when the season ended. Queen Sugar is one of those shows that should NOT have a finale. Like soap opera. They never have a season off. But I’m being selfish although I know how production works. But in MY Utopia, that’s happening. The show has become a member of my family that I look forward to seeing each and every week. There isn’t one character I’m not in favor of. Each and everyone is a necessity in their stories. Each and every character I look forward to seeing on the screen. I love it. I haven’t felt this good about a show telling OUR story about a black family since Soul Food. QS represents us so beautifully.

The good-bye scene between Blue and Ralph Angel. My goodness, I can not handle seeing a grown man in emotional pain. I can’t take it! Hell, he couldn't take it! We watched Ralph Angel grow as a father, as a man for the sake of his son and to see the hurt in his face when Darla told him Blue may not be his, my heart ached for him. There's so many fathers right now who don't even know for sure if they're raising or supporting kids who may not be their own, and is expected NOT to show emotion. Darla ripped his heart out of his chest with just a few words. "He may not be yours." I just thought of all the men who have gone through this and there's NO repercussions to the mother who caused all this pain not just for the father, but for the child. When RA went to tell his sisters and aunt the bad news and he said, “I can only say this one time.”

Ralph Angel tells his family the bad news about Blue.

Mannnnnn, I had to reach out for a tissue cause the tears was on automatic. The look his sisters gave each other, you can FEEL the rage through the screen. NO one wants to see a loved one hurting at the hands of someone they had to learn to trust. Its so awesome how that last episode captured everything beautiful about the love between a father and son, a brother and sister, an aunt and nephew, and a big brother (Hollywood) and little brother. Particularly, a black father and black son. It was so powerful, and most importantly, it was so so important. For a character like Ralph Angel, it's good that he have his sisters and aunt who are solid and dependent loved ones he can lean on. RA is going to need them more than he ever had in all of his troubles.

Charley joins the dark side.

Charley Bordelon West.....GIRRRRRRLLLL! Charley is turning into a thug!! Let me find out! Everyone knows a Charley in their lives, right? What we know that Charley doesn’t know is if she loses herself to the dark side, she’ll risk losing everything that’s near and dear to her heart. She already lost Remy and he only sniffed that something was up before the something even actually happened. Wasn’t even trying to wait to see what happens. Remy said, “I ain’t got no time for that. Deuces.” But what’s scary about that is she seems to enjoy the thought of going to the dark side. Very eager to see what future choices she’ll continue to make.

Nova and Calvin

Nova, Nova, Nova. If she don’t make up your damn mind and stop confusing the hell outta me. I like Nova and I want to continue to like Nova but she was becoming untrustworthy which is why people isn’t comfortable trusting her and her beliefs as she wants people to. I can understand why she don’t want to be with Calvin anymore but the heart wants what the heart wants. But her reason for not wanting Dr. Dubois left me with the confused look on my face. Why did she allow herself to be so easily intimidated by his feelings for her?

Nova and Dr Dubois

He was a solid, secure, and intelligent man who wants her and that didn’t want her to chain him to a radiator with a tracking device every time he gotta leave for work? I’m confused about her decision. What did she really not trust about him or even herself with him? I can respect her choice, but her reason I don’t think was very honest. She’s battling with something more than what we’re seeing. I hope the writers show us that.

Thank you so much, Momma O and Cousin Ava. You are doing beautiful work. But I’m hurting for Aunt Vee, please don’t let her die. I can’t imagine what will happen to her nieces and nephew without her.

They need her more than they need each other right now. WE need to see her constant strength and be reminded of the appreciation we should have for our aunts, uncles and grand relatives who are always up and ready to step in with open arms and a plate of food. Please don’t let her character die off. I just love me some Aunt Vee to death.

The Season Finale Special with Momma O was such a beautiful set. I wish I was there. Not just for work but for pleasure. And to see the entire cast there. I mean the ENTIRE cast - leads and principles. That was awesome. One of the audience comments that lead to tears was from the father who attended with his son and he shared his appreciation of the scenes of love between the fathers and sons on the show.

I totally agree with him on that. It’s so important that WE show that we DO have active, productive and loving fathers who are raising sons by any means necessary and don’t have to be rich to do so.

What do I have to do to be able to attend the next one? I’m willing to travel. I'm looking forward to Season 3 in 2018. I already miss my NOLA family.

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